About Cloudle

Cloudle is a daily puzzle game inspired by Wordle. In this version, you have to uncover the five-day weather forecast for a city.

There's a new city from around the world every day. Cities might repeat, but the weather will always be different!

Who built this?

My name is Rob, and I love a fun daily puzzle.

Other Projects

🧠 Cogit is a daily math puzzle game.

🐷 Typeface Or Trotters? is a game that tests your knowledge of pigs. And fonts.

🗻 Is Mt Rainier Out? is an interactive timelapse that answers Seattle's most pressing question. You can also follow along on Twitter @IsMtRainierOut.

👩‍⚕️ @USVaccineCount is a Twitter feed tracking the number of vaccinated & boosted people in the US.


The Cloudle weather icons are by Yorlmar Campos

Ukrainian flag images taken by Diana Vyshniakova.

Weather forecasts are provided in part by OpenWeatherMap


Cloudle is a spin-off from Cogit. Full T&Cs are available at cogit.fun/legal

The illustrations on the site were created via Storyset. I found it an incredibly useful service, and thoroughly recommend it for adding some quick visual interest to a site.